Hello Friends and Family,
I write this request humbled by loss. My dear friend, and often my partner in (many) “crimes”, Sarah Shema, lost her “kick ass”, “take no prisoners” battle with ovarian cancer almost 3 years ago. I think about her often and miss her very much.
The Wheel to Survive event is an event that I have been participating in every year since Sarah and I travelled to Dallas, TX for the very FIRST Wheel to Survive (WTS). It was such an important event to Sarah, that she even participated in the WTS event, though very briefly, just months before she passed. So yes, raising money for this event is VERY personal. For our team, Team Sarah, this year is no exception. WTS is returning to the Bay Area on Sunday, November 6th, in an UPLIFTING, 4 hour indoor cycling fundraiser. Over 100 dedicated riders will pedal our hearts out, DETERMINED to “Be the Difference”. We will be mindful of and hold in our hearts all who have been or are affected by cancer. We will ride with pride and with the knowledge that we are changing lives, as funds are raised to help women battle ovarian cancer and provide research dollars for a cure. 100% of the money I raise will go to fund these programs.
So when asked “Why I Ride?” I think…
I RIDE because I must “BE the Difference”
I RIDE for our Mother’s, our Daughters, our Sisters, our BFF’s.
I Ride because I CAN.
Thank you all for your support.
Donate to Adrina Phipps here.