Why I Ride: Yangzhong Tang
I want to share a story with you about my mom-in-law who is a two-time cancer survivor, which is why I ride for the “Wheel to Survive” event.
Her name is Shi-An Sun. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 and had rounds of chemotherapy. After fighting her breast cancer for 9 years, she was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2014. During this tough time, she lost her husband and her mother, who both died from cancers.
Cancers hit her hard over and over again. Yet, she’s been fighting this toughest fight, always holding up her head, smiling.
The second picture from the left was taken the night before she went to the surgery room for her mastectomy. “I want to capture this moment and remind myself that I can fight through it.” The first picture was taken during her chemotherapy when she was going through hell. “Even without hair, I can still be beautiful.”
I was not only deeply touched and influenced by her, but also feel the responsibility to work hard everyday as a proud and passionate cancer biologist.
Every day I keep reminding myself that still so many cancer patients struggle without effective therapies. These include many women who die from ovarian cancers because there is no reliable early detection and no magical medicine. These could be our mothers, daughters, sisters and friends, and even us.
We all deserve better.
On November 6, 2016, I will be participating in Wheel to Survive, an inspirational four hour indoor cycling event to raise money to help women batting ovarian cancer today and to provide research dollars for a cure. 100% of the money I raise will go to fund these programs.
Please help me reach my goal by making a tax deductible donation today, and/or sharing my page (www.classy.org/saynotocancer) with your friends by email or social media. Better yet, register today and come ride with me!
Thank you for your generous support and joining me to be the difference in the fight against cancer. Our mothers, daughters, sisters and friends are counting on us. The time is NOW!
Click here to show your support by making a donation to Yangzhong’s Wheel to Survive fundraising page, or register now to ride alongside Yangzhong and others as we fight to end ovarian cancer!