Why I Ride: Kathy Harris
Why I ride: This is my third year to participate in this worthwhile event, and the first year on the team CANCER SUCKS – with Gary Gardner. Gary is the “Dad” of the business where I work; Brent (my boss) is the son – and Helen Gardner was the wife/mom who was one of the founding members of the Be the Difference Foundation, she lost her fight 2 years ago but we can all keep working to help find THE CURE!
As those of you who know me understand that CANCER SUCKS as I am a survivor of thyroid cancer, my own Mom passed from lung cancer, I have numerous other relatives and friends that fight every day and we all need to do what we can when we can to help find a cure and put a stop to all cancers.
This is an “opportunity” to help – while it’s in my face – and yours. . . any donation amount will help and is appreciated. I’m starting my fundraising early this year, hoping that maybe before Christmas and New Year holidays you may be able to donate that $5, $10, $20.
Here are some facts:
One woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer every 24 minutes. 22,000 women this year.
One woman dies from ovarian cancer every 37 minutes. 15,000 women this year.
Sadly, 70% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer will die from the disease.
There is no reliable early detection test available for ovarian cancer.
These women are our mothers, daughters, sisters and friends and they deserve better. We all deserve better.
On February 26, 2017, I will be participating in Wheel to Survive, an inspirational six hour indoor cycling event to raise money to help women batting ovarian cancer today and to provide research dollars for a cure. 100% of the money I raise will go to fund these programs.
Please help me reach my goal by making a tax deductible donation today. You can also help me reach my goal by sharing my page or link with your friends by email or social media. Better yet, register today and come ride with me!
Thank you for your generous support and joining me to be the difference in the fight against ovarian cancer. Our mothers, daughters, sisters and friends are counting on us. The time is NOW!
Click here to show your support by making a donation to Kathy’s Wheel to Survive fundraising page, or register now to ride alongside Ronan and others as we fight to end ovarian cancer!